Thursday, July 14, 2011

MT. Clutter, almost.

    I must admit that my life is not a very exciting one. There are however a few moments that have left a lasting impression. Such as, the time I climbed Mt. clutter.
     It was like every other summer afternoon. Nora, Astrid, and I were sitting in my grandmother’s house truing to think of a way to curb our boredom. I was always fascinated with all the stuff my Granny had. Now that I’m older I know its just a bunch of worthless clutter, but at five years-old it looked like a treasure. A treasure just waiting to be plundered, by three little trouble makers. So after searching every corner on the first floor, my cousins and I took to the stairs. The second floor was a bit more interesting. It had two bed rooms, who’s beds had been properly bounced on, with lots of little knick knacks and doodads. Also on the second floor was the door. It was never opened, always closed tightly as if to keep something out. It couldn’t be use though, right? Well, Nora didn’t think so and Astrid fully agreed, and I, though thinking of all the ways we could possibly get in trouble by doing this, reluctantly agreed as well. We slowly opened the door, do to the fact it dragged on the floor slightly, not cause we were being cautious. Peering in we saw the biggest mountain any of have ever seen. It towered above out heads, to this day it still does. Now we were faced with a question: What to do now that we had entered the forbidden room? Climbed the mountain of course! And Climb we did. Up, up, up we went. Past the clothes and the book. Past the purses and the shoes. Past, the creepy Charlie McCarthy doll? What the crap?! After that unlovely experience I began to notice something. If I put my hand on this book It would fall, and take me with it. If I were to loose my balance and pull on this blanket, I would be buried alive for the rest of eternity. Spending an eternity with Charlie McCarthy, nope, not happening. So, being the voice of reason in my group I spoke my concern. “Hey, hey you guys. Um, maybe we shouldn’t do this.” “ Why?” They asked, not even stopping. “Well, i-its really d-dangerous.” I had a bit of a stutter. “N-no its n-not.” So did Nora. “Come on guys, w-we could get in t-trouble. Why don’t we watch P-Powder Puff Girls, or s-something.” I know its Power Puff, now. After about ten minutes and several stuttered out sentences later, I decided that I needed to, um, go. “Come ooooooon.” They whined. “Let’s keep climbing. “Um, got to use the bafroom.” Wasn’t that great with the th sound either. So with that I scampered down from were I had been holding on for dear life, hoping that moving lump was my imagination and not something worse. My feet hit the floor and I hit the restroom. After feeling much better, I wondered out into the hall to her my uncle scolding my two cousins for going into that room. They didn’t mind, they were to happy about what they had accomplished. To this day I feel like I missed out on something, nut what can I say, when nature calls you listen.
So that was the story of when I climbed Mt. Clutter, almost.
The End *

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